
Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is a Queen from the game of chess. The Queen can move any direction she wants except like a horse. Chess is a game where you vs another person to test your skills, this is how you set the board with the chess pieces. You put the rook at the corners of your side and beside them put the horses then the bishops and the Queen on the left and the king on the right. Put all of the pawns in the front of your two lines.


This is my Tessellation that I did of dolphins. Tessellations are when objects fit into each other. The rule is no gaps no overlaps. You start of doing either a four by four square or a six by six square. You draw any sort of lines and it all comes together.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hello! It's me again. Don't you think my background is amazing. I chose it because I'm into scary stuff like witches and werewolves and vampires and oh wait I'm getting carried away again aren't I?
To learn how to change my background, I went to a workshop.  I learnt that to change your background using you need to:
Click on "Free backgrounds" and find a background that you want.
Highlight the code and press command C to copy it.
Then you go back into your blog, into the design section, and click "add a gadget".
It will come up with a box that shows you all of the different gadgets, you choose HTML/Javascript.
It will then come up with a box, and you press command v to paste the code into the box.
Click save, and then you will have your new background!

 By the way I'm aiming to get at least 10 followers by the end of term 2 all you have to do is click on the little button nearly at the bottom of the screen that says 'follow' and it will ask for you email and you password, I've got two so far so that makes me half way there.