Hi Katie.
You were an enthusiastic member of our science talent development this term. You were always eager each morning to find out what we would be doing for the day, as well as helping to set up for the activities. You always contributed to our discussions based around the results we obtained. You have grown in confidence with your ability to speak in front of others. Debating has been extremely popular this term. You did a great job of working with your team to organise your order, and points to be made. Well done Katie. You have had a productive term at Enrich.
Hi!! My name is Katie and I go to Enrich as well as going to Myross Bush. I'm a year 6 so that means it is my last year here,(oohhh). The four cornerstones are Talent Development/Passion project, Mental edge, Affective Domain and Concept Curriculum. Enrich gives me the chance to explore my Passion much, much more then I can at school. My Passion is painting. I can't wait to see whats up for grabs this year!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Baking Science
Today for science we baked up a storm (not really though). First we baked some bread but instead of the bread just going poof out of nowhere we had to make the dough.After we made the dough we had to leave it for an hour and then kneed it again. The we had to leave it for another hour Then we made some sherbet and it tasted FIZZY! After making the FIZZY sherbet we started on Hokey pokey! We found out that the Baking soda in the Hokey Pokey made it froth up. With the sherbet we found out that the Citric acid and Tartaric acid made it fizz up.
How to make Hokey Pokey
Baking soda
Golden Syrup
1. Put 5 table spoons of sugar and then add 2 table spoon of golden syrup.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Today I did science with Katie and we made a Lava lamp. I made my lava lamp with Izzy. I found out that water is denser that oil. All you need to make a Lava Lamp is oil, water, food coloring, some of the Beroccas and a empty coke bottle. You put the water and oil in first and wait for them to separate. Then you add a dozen drops of food coloring and finally add the berocca. Squeeze the top on and cabam! I wonder what we're doing next week?
We're back at Enrich. Today I went to a workshop called Bullying. We talked about why people bully and how can you stop them. My opinion of why people bully is that they bully because they get the thrill of hurting people or because they could get bullied themselves but usually they are just jealous of the people so thats why they bully.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
First Week Back! ;)
It's the first week back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This first =week back has been a Blast! We had to pick a different Talent Development. There was a maths Talent Development and I am a bit of a geek I must admit but instead I chose science. Science is really fun and I can't wait until next week.
This first =week back has been a Blast! We had to pick a different Talent Development. There was a maths Talent Development and I am a bit of a geek I must admit but instead I chose science. Science is really fun and I can't wait until next week.
Week Two Already!
Today at Enrich I attended the workshop Friendships. We talked about friends and how they act to each other and the difference between being a good friend and having a good friend. We had to do a role play and I acted as the bully of course! In my group the was Zoe Bennett, The star of the show Isabella Fahey and MMMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! And the scene went something like this:
Zoe and Izzy were playing and I (pretended) to hit Izzy and Zoe told me to say sorry so I did. It was quite fun.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Two stars and a wish
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Next week on the 15th Kate, Izzy and I are going to Oreti Beach and Sandy Point. Today I spent a good 15 minutes on writing a script for Izzy Kate and I. We are filming more sand dunes, the beach and walk paths, so when it comes time to start editing, we would hopefully have it basically done. We only have about 3 more sessions at Enrich to finish.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Documentary trip
Today Kate, Izzy and I went to the park and the museum to interview Lindsay Hazily and Robin Pagan. First up to do the interviewing was Kate. Kate was interviewing Lindsay at the Museum and I was interviewing Robin at Queens Park office. It took about five minutes to set up the camera. After we filmed Kate and Lindsay we jumped into the car and headed towards the Park office. As we were in the car my stomach was doing flips like a pancake. When we got there, Robin had a visitor so we had to wait for nearly 10 minutes, soon enough it was my turn. So I grabbed my book and off I went. When the Documentary is finished and we've sent it to the MADE awards I will put it on my blog.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Teacher Comment
You have had a busy term at Enrich. You have great friendships with a variety of children. You have shown your creative side in both mosaic art, as well as stone carving in your own time. You are learning to become more independent and seem more sure of yourself, which is great to see. Your blog posts are always interesting and full of detail. You have learned more about yourself as a gifted learner through exploring and unpacking different models of giftedness. Keep up the positive attitude for next term.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Enrich Term 2
Hello, it's me again. I'm doing this blog post about Term 2 at Enrich. This term has been fantastic for me. My two stars (good things) would be: Getting to go into the art shed and doing my whale tail out of Oamaru stone, and finishing my mosaic. My wish would be to make sure Enrich never changes. I can't wait until next time I come, it's going to be wicked!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Mosaic Team!
Today we started on our Team mosaic and we're doing a kiwi and some ferns. I'm quite enjoying it but the only thing is that we've got to make sure that the most tiles are the same size and that they're spaced out evenly. The colours we are using for the kiwi are brown for the body and orange for the legs and the beck. For the ferns we're doing a black outline with a white middle. Hopefully we are going to be finished before the holidays. I'll put a picture of the mosaic on my blog when I'm done.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Stone sculpture
Every Thursday at lunch time Grace and I saw, cut and chisel out pieces of stone for our stone carving. We are carving out a whales tail. It all started about 7-8 weeks ago when Grace was talking to Darryn about a stone carving. I happened to be there at the right time and the right place because I got to start one too. This is what I've done so far.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Chemistry with Katie
Today I did chemistry with Katie. We were looking for ingredients to see if they were neutral, a base or an acid. This is what we had to do:
1. Get red cabbage and cut it up.
2. Put the cabbage into the bowl.
3. Drain the water into a bowl and leave it for 45minutes after the water should turn purple.
4. Chuck the cabbage out and pour the water into a few glasses.
5. Get ingredients that you want to test.
6. Pour or tip the ingredients into the purple water
7. If they go darker ( blue ) they are a base. If they go lighter ( red orange yellow) they are an acid, but if they turn green they are neutral.
1. Get red cabbage and cut it up.
2. Put the cabbage into the bowl.
3. Drain the water into a bowl and leave it for 45minutes after the water should turn purple.
4. Chuck the cabbage out and pour the water into a few glasses.
5. Get ingredients that you want to test.
6. Pour or tip the ingredients into the purple water
7. If they go darker ( blue ) they are a base. If they go lighter ( red orange yellow) they are an acid, but if they turn green they are neutral.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What it means to me to be gifted.
This week it is Gifted Awareness Week. To me, being gifted means to be talented in a area or subject but maybe not everything For example: Mr Einstein was gifted in science because he discovered the theory of relativity. I think I'm talented in maths and spelling for my age but I'm not so keen on writing. I like coming to Enrich because they do literacy and writing but in a different way to school. For instance, school does writing in our writing books, but at Enrich we do typing instead and we are given the chance to attend writer workshops in small groups that focus on different areas to improve our writing. At school, reading is done in groups with reading books, but at Enrich reading is included in most things we do and presented in a variety of ways. Enrich is an opportunity of a lifetime and I'm glad I took it.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Art (mosaics)
Last week, I started my mosaic that I am doing for talent development. I did the number 8 as my design. The number 8 looks awesome because I have put the colour yellow inside the circles in the middle and I have done the colour red for the rest of the design. We are going to complete the backgrounds today. I'm going to do the colour black so it stands out with the bright colours. I wonder if I should do a tui for my next project. What do you think?
Here is my mosaic so far. I will update my blog again when it is finished.

Here is my mosaic so far. I will update my blog again when it is finished.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Art (mosaic)
Today for talent development our Art group watched a video of Annie Close (she is a mosaic artist), that came in on Tuesday to show us how to do mosaics. I'm thinking of doing a Tui for my small mosaic and if I feel like it maybe for the big mosaic as well. The big mosaic we complete is going to be donated and displayed somewhere in Invercargill as a way of giving back to our community. I might put mine in the 'Art Museum'. I Can't Wait!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Talent Development
This term we are doing talent development or passion projects. The kids that were here last year do passion projects and the new kids do talent development that leads up to Passion Projects. You had a choice of 3 options for talent development which was either Art, Science, or ICT. I chose Art. Art is mosaic art. I might do a Tui. I hope it's going to turn out good. Do you think I should do something else? If you do, leave a comment. I want to know your thoughts.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Katie Our New Teacher
This is Katie, my main class teacher at Enrich. Katie is going to be taking over for Sarah, who had a baby in the holidays. Katie is an amazing teacher. The coolest thing about Katie is that she has the same name as me. I would describe Katie as talented, always helping out, and curious. I like her.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
This is my Tessellation that I did of dolphins. Tessellations are when objects fit into each other. The rule is no gaps no overlaps. You start of doing either a four by four square or a six by six square. You draw any sort of lines and it all comes together.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Hello! It's me again. Don't you think my background is amazing. I chose it because I'm into scary stuff like witches and werewolves and vampires and oh wait I'm getting carried away again aren't I?
To learn how to change my background, I went to a workshop. I learnt that to change your background using thecutestblogontheblock.com you need to:
Click on "Free backgrounds" and find a background that you want.
Highlight the code and press command C to copy it.
Then you go back into your blog, into the design section, and click "add a gadget".
It will come up with a box that shows you all of the different gadgets, you choose HTML/Javascript.
It will then come up with a box, and you press command v to paste the code into the box.
Click save, and then you will have your new background!
By the way I'm aiming to get at least 10 followers by the end of term 2 all you have to do is click on the little button nearly at the bottom of the screen that says 'follow' and it will ask for you email and you password, I've got two so far so that makes me half way there.
To learn how to change my background, I went to a workshop. I learnt that to change your background using thecutestblogontheblock.com you need to:
Click on "Free backgrounds" and find a background that you want.
Highlight the code and press command C to copy it.
Then you go back into your blog, into the design section, and click "add a gadget".
It will come up with a box that shows you all of the different gadgets, you choose HTML/Javascript.
It will then come up with a box, and you press command v to paste the code into the box.
Click save, and then you will have your new background!
By the way I'm aiming to get at least 10 followers by the end of term 2 all you have to do is click on the little button nearly at the bottom of the screen that says 'follow' and it will ask for you email and you password, I've got two so far so that makes me half way there.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Today I went to an ICT Q and A workshop and I learnt how to add gadgets to my blog and I added a shark aquirium and I also added a fish tank.It is right at the top of my blog CHECK IT OUT! Today I also did interactions with Alana we were doing it on people interactions. I went to Multiple intelligences workshop and I found out that people used to think that there was only 1 intelligence long ago and that Howard Gardener thought up the multiple intelligences we use today.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Today I went to P4C and the question was tough so here it is: should you be rewarded for your efforts in school? I chose yes but only sometimes because you need to keep trying to reach the next stage. It was hard deciding because everyone had such great ideas. It seems easy to make a decision but it's not.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Still Life Art
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