
Monday, September 16, 2013


Today I went for a little walk from Enrich, to the Warehouse, then to Briscoes, then to the city Art Gallery, then back to Enrich! So now my legs are tired..... Why did I go for a walk around town, you may ask? Well, as you know I'm putting together an Art exhibition at the Art Gallery, so Haley and I were out looking for frames for my paintings. We had a look at Briscoes and the Warehouse for frames, and then we went to the Art Gallery to book a wall. The exhibition will be at the start of December, and will be up for two months. I'd rather do it then, because I could have time to show my class and also friends and family. This would be better then having my art up for three weeks and trying to rush to go and see it! 

So I shall "see" you next week...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sunrise or Lily Pads...

Tache, Tache, Tache! Well, today I did Painting................. You know, the usual. But it was different painting today, not watercolour. We took a look at Claude Monet's paintings, but mostly Sunrise and Lilypads. Two of his most famous paintings.

I had already done Lily pads last year so I got to do another painting leading on from that. The reason why these paintings look so cool is basically because of the brush strokes and tache, (touch). We chose to do vertical lines for the water and horizontal lines for the sky or lily pads, (depending on what you chose). You also mix the paints on the canvas instead of the pallet...... 

Well, I've got to go home now, but I'll post again next week.....